I've been popsicle-crazy recently, but I write this post on a stormy night with cool breezes. In other words, if you are over my popsicles, you're in luck because cookies are coming back into the picture this week!
I actually saw the idea for these on parents.com a few weeks ago and they stuck in my mind. I think the colors look so pretty together. They remind me a bit of stained glass.

They were a cinch to make. Pop a few slices of canned peaches into each popsicle mold and then fill up 'er up with grape juice.

Maybe I cut my peaches a bit too big, because getting the stick in was a bit of a challenge. As a result they froze all weird, but still tasted good! (Also, they got tipped over in the freezer and spilled a tad - whoopsa daisy.)

Who knew frozen peaches were so good?!?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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