Over the past two weeks, I've made batch, after batch, after batch of cookies. While I didn't say it at the time, I was making them for my little brother who turns 23 today!
Oddly enough, one of his first and best friends at Purdue is a lovely young man who shares the exact same birthday. This guy has become my adopted little brother, meaning I get to give him unsolicited advice whenever I want! I sent identical packages of cookies to the both of them for their birthdays.

I put about 10 of each type of cookie into each box, giving both of these boys a sweet birthday treat.
Also this week, two of my English students will hit the 200 point mark. Their requested felt items were a rose and a slice of birthday cake.

I made the rose the same way I did last February when a different girl requested one. Since I had the whole thing figured before, I got this rose done in less than two hours last night. I was stoked I got it done so quickly because I was beat and just wanted to get to bed.

The other little girl requested a slice of birthday cake. I thought this was odd since it was the same girl who I gave a slice to last month for her birthday. I asked her why she wanted a second slice and she said that her friend's birthday is coming up and she wants to give it to her. Seriously, that was one of the cutest things I'd heard in a while. She worked so hard to get her points and then wants to spend them on her friend. Gaaaa!!! Adorable!!

The girls come for their lesson tomorrow. Hopefully they like their loot.
Also, happy, happy birthday to my little brothers, Alejandro and Hermes!! Much love to the both of you.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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