I've totally been on an ice pop kick and seriously, I see no signs of this stopping. They are simple to make and delicious to eat!
I love the coconut/pineapple combo, so figured I'd transfer it to popsicles. I started with coconut milk, pineapple juice and canned mandarins.

I wanted these to be sectioned. At the tip would be a coconut milk layer, then a coconut/pineapple layer and then pineapple juice at the top all with mandarin oranges throughout. This didn't happen.
First I tried to stick the mandarins to the mold, just like the bananas in the strawberry/banana pops, but they were too slippery and just kept sliding down. I dropped a few in anyway and then mixed coconut milk with a tiny bit of pineapple juice, just to thin it out a bit and put a tablespoon or two into each mold, then to the freezer.

I'd given them about 30 minutes to freeze and then did about a 1:1 mixture of coconut milk and pineapple juice. I put a few more mandarins in and then added the second layer.
It was at this point that I realized the layers weren't going to happen. The first layer wasn't all the way frozen yet, so the new layer started to seep in. Additionally, if I put the second layer in and froze it, how could I have fit the sticks in?!? Duh!!
In the end, I just added more pineapple juice, put the sticks in and hoped for the best.

When I pulled them out the next morning, a few hours before a friend came over, I realized they were nothing at all as I'd envisioned. I served them anyway and the boys loved them. Overall, another popsicle success! Seriously, is there any way to mess these up?!?

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